Arizona in Paris

Jan. 28, 2022

Arizona in Paris

Paris, France


Tentative Summer 2022 Dates: June 1- July 13, 2022

Participants MUST be vaccinated.

The program's tentative dates may help you organize your upcoming summer plans. However, please do not buy your airline tickets until you have received instructions from UA Study Abroad.

This 6-week program in Paris is an excellent opportunity for students to develop advanced proficiency in the French language. Courses begin at the 300-level; instruction integrates classroom activities with visits to local sites of historical and contemporary cultural interest. The program is led by UA faculty and includes a homestay.

You must have completed French 202 by the time the program starts. You must have a 3.0 or higher GPA in French.

The University of Arizona offers a six-week total-immersion program in Paris. Courses are taught by members of the UA teaching staff and students earn six units of UA credit. Now over 25 years in operation, the Arizona in Paris Program has been designed to ensure that all aspects of the program —curriculum, housing, excursions and tours— maximize students’ opportunities to make rapid progress in fluency, comprehension and writing, while increasing their understanding and appreciation of France and French culture. The Paris summer program carries 6 units of credit.

Term: Summer

Application Deadline: February 25, 2022