Dr. Aurélia Mouzet, has just received an Arizona Humanities grant for the project “History in Action” in conjunction with her forum theater program, Talk It Out! and in collaboration with Sky Islands High School. Here is more information about the award:
Sky Islands, a non-profit public high school, and Talk-it-OUT!, a forum theater program directed by Dr. Aurélia Mouzet (Department of French and Italian at UA), received an AZ Humanities grant ($5000) for their program "History in Action", a project-based program that is designed to be critical, participatory, and contextual. The program is designed to 'revisit' and ‘restage’, in an active and relational perspective, the vital questions raised by current ‘wicked problems’. Sky Islands students in 10th grade US/ AZ history class engage in a specific and directed inquiry each quarter that will produce a performance, acting out the narrative that is created to dramatize the ‘wicked problem’ at issue. Students interact with the topic by traveling to lived historical sites, interviewing people involved, documenting, and creating a dramatization of the narrative with the UA students. UA students, members of Talk-it-OUT!, lead a weekly workshop at Sky Islands to help 10th graders create skits around what they learn in their history class. There will be two performances at the U of A, one at the end of the Fall semester, the other at the end of the Spring semester. Performances will be filmed and become part of the documentation about the program.