
Feb. 25, 2019
Please help us in congratulating Dr. Dalila Ayoun who has been invited as a plenary speaker at the upcoming Graduate Student Conference, “Understanding and Misunderstanding,” in the Department of French and Italian at Indiana University.  Dr. Ayoun…
Feb. 25, 2019
Please help us in congratulating Dr. Fabian Alfie who has just received a grant from the Provost’s Author Support program to help complete the production of his forthcoming book, La Cazzaria, Manuscript K: A Nineteenth-Century Copy of the Lost…
Feb. 22, 2019
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Carine Bourget who has just been awarded a 2018-19 COH Teaching and Outreach Grant for her project “French Language and Cultural Skills Development for Students in Health Professions.”   Félicitations, Dr.…
Feb. 18, 2019
Please help us congratulate our colleague Dr. Deborah Kaye who was recently interviewed in the Daily Wildcat about her published Review Essay in the Religious Studies Review.  Click here to read the entire interview.   Find Dr. Kaye's essay "Jewish…
Feb. 18, 2019
The University of Arizona ranks among the top 10 universities in the nation for producing graduates with foreign language degrees. According to a new Chronicle of Higher Education analysis of U.S. Department of Education data for the 2016-17…
Jan. 28, 2019
Dr. Dalila Ayoun is the invited plenary speaker at the upcoming symposium, “Methods and Approaches for Investigating Cross-Linguistics Influence in the Foreign Language Acquisition of Grammatical Structures.”  Dr. Ayoun will present “The L2…
Jan. 17, 2019
The Religious Studies Review recently published Dr. Deborah Kaye’s review essay, “Jewish Continuity and Mediterranean History: Medieval and Early Modern Studies,” which was inspired by her interests in and work on Mediterranean Studies and her new…
Jan. 10, 2019
Join one of our French & Italian courses this Spring!
Jan. 9, 2019
Phyllis Taoua, UA Professor of Francophone Studies, has a new op-ed in The Conversation, saying the Dec. 30 election shows "the quiet work of pro-democracy activism has been ongoing in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 2012 and the process of…
Jan. 7, 2019
Check out the latest New Books in French Studies podcast featuring an interview with Denis Provencher, the author of Queer Maghrebi French: Language, Temporalities, Transfiliations (Liverpool University Press, 2017). You can tune in here. New Books…
Dec. 10, 2018
Please help us in congratulating Dr. Fabian Alfie who was honored last week with three other UA faculty members by receiving a superior teaching award for his course on Dante’s Inferno as part of the Humanities Seminar’s Program.   For more…
Dec. 3, 2018
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Carine Bourget and Honorine Rouiller (MA in French, University of Arizona, 2018) who have just published their co-authored essay, “Intégrer la banlieue en FLE débutant avec Filme ton quartier,” in the December…