Please join us in congratulating Dr. Dalila Ayoun who has been appointed by the Board of Trustees to an Expert Panel on the Flemish Council for Scientific Research (FWO). The Expert Panels evaluate national and international research grants, fellowships, and research projects. Dr. Ayoun was appointed to the FWO Board of Trustees as a member of the Cult1: Languages Project panel that awards research funding to junior and senior applicants. Her 3-year membership will start on January 1, 2019 and it may be extended once. The panel meets once a year in Brussels (Egmontstraat 5, 1000 Brussels) and reviews written application, external peer review reports, and the applicants’ rebuttal before meeting in person in Brussels to discuss and make the final selections.
Congratulations to Dr. Ayoun for her appointment by this Board. Félicitations!