Dr. Carine Bourget awarded a $99,999 NEH Grant Award

Jan. 16, 2020

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Carine Bourget, Professor of French, Interim Head of Spanish and Portuguese, and COH Director of Special Projects, who has been awarded a $99,999 NEH grant for her project “Developing Foreign Cultures Courses for the Professions.”


We'd like to thank the other COH faculty members who participated in the project with Dr. Bourget:

  • Dr. Letizia Bellocchio (French and Italian)
  • Dr. Ana Carvalho (Spanish and Portuguese)
  • Dr. Ben Fraser (Spanish and Portuguese)
  • Dr. Robert Groves (Religious Studies and Classics)
  • Dr. Bayo Ijagbemi (Africana Studies)
  • Dr. Liudmila Klimanova (Russian and Slavic Studies)
  • Dr. Barbara Kosta (German Studies)
  • Dr. Jiang Wu (East Asian Studies)

COH Associate Dean for Research and Innovation Dr. Ken McAllister, SILLC Business Manager Gennady Sare, and COH Director Business Finance Richard Edmiston worked with and helped the team as well. 


Thank you!


For more information, read NEH Announcement and Projects:


